Browsing CategoryFlying

When Travel Styles Collide in the Air…


Loving this article by The Wall Street Journal on the travel compromises couples must make when they have different styles or frequencies of flying: “She’s a Frequent Flier, He Checks Bags.”  Great headline, but the article is full of stories any business traveller can relate to. “For Ed Pizzarello, a Reston, Va.-based venture capitalist who spends 100 nights a year on the road and is also a co-founder of InsideFlyer, a site focused on miles and points, traveling with his wife meant convincing her not to check a bag. Michelle Pizzarello used to love to pack with amenities like a…

What Business Travelers Really Think Compared to What Companies Think

I’m betting real-life business travelers can relate to these scenarios, recently put together by American Express, especially “Wi-Fi or No Fly.” I’ve heard some company expense policies still treat airplane wi-fi as an un-reimbursable expense. That $7.99 really is going to break the bank for the three plus hours of productivity it will pay for… Denied! Check out some other myths versus realties below:       

5 Reasons to Shut Up About the Seating and Fly Southwest

I always used to laugh when I’d reach the end of flights and the flight attendants would thank me for my loyalty. “We know you have a choice when flying, so thanks for choosing [insert name here]”. Hah! Like I really had a choice and like there was much difference between the airlines. I’d always just fly whatever was cheapest, and when I was travelling between Southern California and Colorado, that usually was America West (RIP) and Ted Airlines (also RIP, but was United’s less sucky budget airline). That all changed after I started flying Southwest Airlines a few years ago. Now,…